Custom Sheet Metal Fabrication Professionals
Custom Sheet Metal Fabrication
Custom Sheet Metal Fabrication
Custom Sheet Metal Fabrication Experts Serving Northwest Illinois and Southern Wisconsin
Custom Sheet Metal & Duct Fabrication
Loescher provides custom duct fabrication and bending to ensure that everything in your project fits as it should. Our educated professionals will assist you in meeting your goals and keeping your safety and comfort in mind. We specialize in providing custom and standard sheet metal products to residential and commercial contractors in the Freeport, Monroe and Sterling areas that are working on new building installation, remodeling, and maintenance. We are proud to be your preferred sheet metal supplier for any and all of your sheet metal needs! We strive to provide each of our customers with an amazing experience. Here are a few of the characteristics that set us distinct from the competition.
Custom Metal Work
- Railings
- Commercial Kitchen Work
- Machine Guards
- Custom Hoods
Custom Fittings
- Square to round
- Round to round
- Square to square
Duct Fabrication
- Insulated or uninsulated
- Built with custom dimensions
- Custom profiles
- Built with custom dimensions
- Custom bent to matching existing gutters or we can design them all brand new
- Colored metal available for order
Chimney Caps
- Helps to keep debris and critters out of your chimney
- Custom measurement to make sure it fits properly